Do you provide care for adults and children?

Yes, Dasiy Chain can support both adults and children. Our staff have  experience in supporting both adults and children to maxamise their potential. 

Do you offer in home support?

Yes, Daisy Chain offer in home support. One example of the in home supports we offer is, supporting participants and their families who require that extra help at the busy times of the day, morning, school drop off, school pick up, dinner and bed time. 

Do you have group programs?

Yes, in 2024 Daisy Chain offers a number of group programs. Please refer to the Services page of our Website. 


Do you Teach Life Skills?

Staff at Daisy Chain are well aware of our particiaonts goals and they know how important life skills are, so they build as much learning into every shift as possible.

Can Therapists have sessions at Daisy Chain?

Yes, absoloutley, we encourage our Support Workers to be part of implementing as much therapy practice with the participants as possible while on shift. This could be Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. Daisy staff incorperate the Therapy into the regular sessions they have with our participants. Daisy staff attend participant specific Therapy training when required.